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Quick Reference

Just as you can create a link which takes visitors to another webpage, you can create links which take visitors to a different place on the same page. You can also create a link which takes a visitor to a specific place on another webpage. This is done by creating anchors, which are also called "targets" or "bookmarks."

Step 1: Create Anchors

Creating an Anchor / Bookmark

Claris Homepage
Netscape Composer
MS Frontpage 2000
  • Click on the "Insert Anchor" button on the Claris HomePage toolbar. It looks like a ship anchor:
  • Type in a name to replace the default name "Anchor" in the dialog box: .
  • Pick a name you will be able to recognize and remember later.
  • Save the file to your hard drive.

  1. From the INSERT menu choose BOOKMARK.
  2. Type the word (no spaces) that you want to name the bookmark. Pick a name you will be able to recognize and remember later.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Save the file to your hard drive.

Step 2: Link to the Anchor

Link to an Anchor / Bookmark

(use this sample)
Claris Homepage
Netscape Composer
MS Frontpage 2000
  1. If they are not already open, from the FILE menu choose OPEN for both the file you want to link TO and the file you want to link FROM.
  2. Follow the same initial steps to create a relative link.
    1. Type the text or insert the image which you want to serve as a link to the next page.
    2. Highlight the text you want to link, or click once on the inserted image you want to link.
    3. Click once on the link editor:
  3. Instead of clicking on "Browse Files...", click on the URL pop-up menu button in the upper right corner of the dialog box. The URL pop-up menu button is circled in red in the following graphic:
  4. From the resulting list, select the file you want to link to AND the target on that file you specifically want. In the following example, a link to the OPEN FILE named "default.htm" is being made, to the TARGET named "Webpage Inservice Outline."
  5. Click on the close box on the link editor to finish. You're done!

  1. If they are not already open, from the FILE menu choose OPEN for both the file you want to link TO and the file you want to link FROM.
  2. Follow the same initial steps to create a relative link.
  3. After selecting the file to link to, at the bottom of the dialog window beside BOOKMARK, choose the name of the desired bookmark to link to:
  4. Click OK to finish. You're done!

Targets are especially helpful on long documents. They can be used effectively in a table of contents or for bibliographic citations. The paper "American POWs in Southeast Asia and the Violation of a National Ethic" ( uses targets as precise links to the bibliography.

Another example of effectively used anchors/bookmarks is this list of AR books.

As a practice assignment, save this sample webpage and modify it to:

  1. include anchors/bookmarks for tests that are multiples of 100
  2. include "Return to Top" links beside the tests that are multiples of 100

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