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Quick Reference

 Obtain Sound Clips or Movies

Insert a Movie Clip

Claris Homepage
Netscape Composer
MS Frontpage 2000
  1. Move your saved quicktime movie into your website folder. (sample)
  2. Click on the spot where you want the movie displayed.
  3. From the INSERT menu at the top of the screen, select QUICKTIME MOVIE...
  4. Find the movie you saved on your hard drive, select it, and click on OPEN.
  5. Double click on the movie to set its options:
  6. You can choose to change the display size, make the movie loop over and over, auto-play (start playing immediately once loaded), and display a movie controller.
  7. Alternatively, you can MAKE A LINK to your movie file instead of inserting it into a webpage.

  1. Click on the spot where you want the movie displayed. (sample)
  2. From the INSERT menu at the top of the screen, select ADVANCED and then PLUG IN.
  3. Click the browse button and select the movie you want to insert.
  4. Enter text you want displayed if viewers do not have the correct plugin. This can include a link where the plugin can be obtained.
  5. Click OK to close all dialog boxes.
  6. Alternatively, you can MAKE A LINK to your movie file instead of inserting it into a webpage.

Play a Sound File

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