Writing Webpages with Wesley Menu Options

Intermediate/Advanced Techniques

Don't miss my Internet Tools and Techniques page for numerous links to helpful software and resources for educators.

Review/Intro to Claris Homepage

  1. Targets/Anchors: Linking within a webpage
  2. Tables: Displaying data in rows and columns
  3. Images: Colors, imagemaps, and animations
  4. Multimedia: Inserting sound clips, movies, and more
  5. Javascript Rollover Images: Images that change when the mouse cursor passes over or clicks them
  6. Frames: Displaying several webpages at once
  7. PDFs: Creating and inserting Adobe's cross-platform, portable document files
  8. HyperStudio: Publishing stacks directly on the web
  9. Guestbook: An introduction to forms
  10. Uploading your webpages to a server

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Site sponsored by WesTech Vision Inc.