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Text and Absolute Links

Quick Reference

Before Starting:

  • Make sure a WYSIWYG webpage creation software is installed on your computer.
  • Launch your software (ie Claris Homepage, Netscape Composer, Frontpage, etc) and open a blank page.

Creating a blank page

Claris Homepage
Netscape Composer
MS Frontpage 2000

From the FILE menu choose NEW PAGE.

From the FILE menu choose NEW and then BLANK PAGE, or click the new page icon:

From the FILE menu choose NEW and then PAGE, or click the new page icon:

1. Enter a centered title

  • Type the title for your webpage on the first line, something like "My First Webpage".
  • Center it with the center align tool:

Centering a Title

Claris Homepage
Netscape Composer
MS Frontpage 2000

Click the CENTER ALIGN button on the lower toolbar:

Click the CENTER ALIGN button on the lower toolbar:

  • Press Return / Enter to move to a new line.
  • Align the text to the left with the left align tool.

2. Type the text you want to make into a link

  • Type a sentence like "Current news from CNN is available" on the line below your title.
  • It is considered poor netiquette to say "click here for news" or something similar. Write text for links in natural language sentences.

3. Make the text a link

Link (also called a hyperlink): A webpage reference to another address on the internet or another webpage on your site.

  • Text links are underlined in blue in most browsers (like Netscape).
  • Images can also serve as links.
  • Links can also connect to sound clips, movie clips, downloadable files, and executable programs.

Make an Absolute Link

Claris Homepage
Netscape Composer
MS Frontpage 2000
  1. Highlight the text you want to make into a link by clicking and dragging over the text with your mouse.
  2. Click on the Link Editor, which looks like a blue squiggly line: (.)
  3. Then type "" in the blank box beside "URL." It will look like this:

  1. Highlight the text you want to make into a link by clicking and dragging over the text with your mouse.
  2. Click on the Hyperlink button, which looks like a globe with a chain in front of it:
  3. Then type "" in the blank box beside "URL." It will look like this:

4. Save the webpage and preview the page in a browser

Preview in Browser

Claris Homepage
Netscape Composer
MS Frontpage 2000
  1. Click on the PREVIEW IN BROWSER button on the toolbar, it looks like a pice of paper with a globe on top:
  2. Select the browser you want to preview in.
  3. Click YES to save the page.
  4. Choose the LOCATION and NAME desired before clicking SAVE.
  5. For the workshop, save on the DESKTOP in a NEW FOLDER called "html". Name the file "firstpage.htm"
  6. Click on your link to verify that it works.

  1. Either click the PREVIEW IN BROWSER BUTTON () or from the FILE menu, choose PREVIEW IN BROWSER:
  2. Select the browser you want to preview in and choose the preview size.
  3. Click YES to save the page.
  4. Choose the LOCATION and NAME desired before clicking SAVE.
  5. For the workshop, save on the DESKTOP in a NEW FOLDER called "html". Name the file "firstpage.htm"
  6. Click on your link to verify that it works.

When naming your files, stick with the following conventions:


Each webpage (HTML file) MUST end in either .htm or .html (this is called the file "extension.") Images should end in either .jpg or .gif as appropriate.

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Made on a Mac!Built by Claris HomePageCourse and Website by Wesley A. Fryer of Lubbock, Texas.
Site sponsored by WesTech Vision Inc.