These webpages provide resources and internet links for HyperStudio workshops presented for K-12 educators in Texas.
Praise for this workshop from past participants: "This has been one of the most confidence-inspiring computer workshops I've yet attended (and I've been to many!). I'm eager to see how well I will do on my own!" |
TA-TEKS Snapshots (also available: TA-TEKS from TEA)
Author Study Project Resources
Don Tapscott's "Growing Up Digital" website
Standards for Multimedia Presentations
Bibliography Citations for Multimedia
Step-by-Step Instructions for using a Minolta digital camera with HyperStudio
HyperStudio "Star" Stack Assignment (from TIE grant session #2)
TechEdge articles on copying/pasting internet resources and inserting Quicktime movies into PowerPoint or HyperStudio, and other topics relating to educational technology are available.
© Copyright 1998-2000 by Wesley
A. Fryer