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Quick Reference

What is a webpage?

  • A webpage is a file on the internet containing text and multimedia elements, which can include pictures, sounds, movies, and animations.
  • Webpages can solicit user input (by using a FORM).
  • Webpages do NOT have a limit on their size. They can fill one screen or be 100 printed pages long.

Power of the Web:

The ability to deliver content that is:

  1. cross-platform (Macintosh, Windows, WebTV, LINUX, cell phone, or other)
  2. browser-independent (Netscape, Microsoft Explorer, Mosaic, Lynx, etc.)
  3. globally accessible (wherever an interenet connection is available)

Educational Applications:

  1. Workshop Curriculum: Examples include this course, Integrating Technology in the Classroom Part 1 and Part 2, and Rush Elementary workshops.
  2. Post student homework assignments online (Mrs. Farr's 6th Grade)
  3. Share lesson hotlist links for school and home access (Ancient Greece Resarch)
  4. Share a staff email directory (Rush Directory)
  5. Communicate with Parents via a school website calendar (Rush Elementary Calendar)
  6. Publish Presentations (Rush Kindergarten Orientation)
  7. Share your school AR book list (Rush AR list)
  8. Publish and share technology lesson ideas (Lubbock Zoo Info Fluency and Rush Lessons)
  9. Publish student work online (3rd Grade Rain Forest Project published by a 6th Grader)
  10. Solicit website visitor comments (Rush Guestbook)
  11. Engage students in telecomputing projects (Integration Workshop Part 2)
  12. Raise money when parents shop online (
  13. Conduct online surveys (Peer to Peer Survey) and publish grant / project results (Peer to Peer Final Report)
  14. Give students somewhere to go online at home (Rush Student Links)
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