
@GCampOKC is a $25 Saturday conference in Oklahoma City for K-12 educators focused on creative collaboration with Google tools in the classroom.*

Our inaugural event will be Saturday, November 4, 2017 in Oklahoma City at Casady School. Cost is $25 per person. Registration is limited to 200 participants. Online registration is available NOW!

Offered sessions will include both basic and intermediate/advanced topics about Google tools as well as technology integration strategies and lessons using G Suite and other Google tools. Check out our schedule, presenters, and session grid to learn more about Google Camp OKC. Additional topics which will be addressed in sessions include:

  1. Google Docs Basics
  2. Google Forms
  3. Google Presentation Basics
  4. YouTube Tips and Tricks
  5. Google Sheets Basics
  6. Google Drawing Basics
  7. GeoMaps with Google Maps
  8. Google Hangouts
  9. Virtual Field Trips with Google Expeditions and Google Cardboard
  10. Security Tips and Best Practices with G Suite for Education
  11. Chromebook Management Tips with G Suite Administrator Console
  12. More!

Follow @GCampOKC on Twitter for updates. You can also join our mailing list to stay updated. Please share our marketing flyer below (also available as a PDF) with other educators you know!


* G Camp OKC is NOT officially affiliated with Google.

** G Camp OKC is inspired by a variety of free and almost-free grassroots professional development events for educators like @EdCampOKC, #GoogleSummitMaize and KVATE.

Last updated October 11, 2017 by @wfryer