What people are saying about
"Internet Research in the Classroom:
Online and Offline"

Online evaluation comments from previous classes:

I always enjoy you sharing a bit of your enormous amount of technological knowledge. I tried to soak it all up, and as usual, I'm saturated but still want more. Thanks so much!

Even though there were more proficient computer people in the class, Wesley still talked to people with no experience.

Thank you for making your articles available. The time you must put in to share your expertise has to be tremendous. I appreciate your sharing all this with us and for presenting the workshop in language that was not too technical.

All my questions were answered. You were very organized.

best thing was

very practical information which can immediately be used at school.

This is the second workshop of yours that I have attended. The first was Writing Web Pages Part I. They were both very practical. Thank you!

Thanks for your expertise and clarity of instruction.

Good pace. Excellent preparation! I learned.

While at school, we as teachers do not have many opportunities to search on the internet. Once some of us get home, we have even less time. I enjoy attending workshops where we are given ideas and new advice to use then and there.

best thing was

(Wes) didn't assume we were experts. I think I have gained some info that will help me work with students researching and also help teachers get infor from the internet. Thanks.

I enjoyed the workshop. It was presented in a way that I felt very comfortable with the information. I did not feel overwhelmed or confused.

Thank you so much. I really benefitted from your class and enjoyed it as well. I am very interested in trying to come to more workshops that you teach. You are a great teacher and presenter.

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"Internet Research in the Classroom: Online and Offline"

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