Welcome to the "Tool Time" Mathematics Internet Scavenger Hunt! To complete the hunt you must find the answers to the following questions. The website on which you can find each answer (or the one you can link from to find an answer) is provided in parenthesis after the corresponding question. Example: (reference site) The scavenger hunt has been updated to allow students to enter their instructor's email address.
The goal of this exercise is to familarize educators with many mathematical internet resources. Therefore, if you get "off-track" reading math materials when you are completing the scavenger hunt, that is great! Our purpose is not to merely answer these questions: it is gain knowledge and skills accessing internet mathematics resources which can make a difference in the classroom.
Read a question and then link to the following "reference website" to find the answer. When you find the answer, write it down on a piece of paper. After you find all the answers, type them into the appropriate blanks below. When you have entered all the answers, select the "Submit Scavenger Hunt Questions for Evaluation" button at the bottom of the page. If you leave one or more fields blank, your Scavenger Hunt form will not be accepted for evaluation. Reference sites will open in another browser window, making it easier to return to this webpage (your answer sheet).
Email My Answers To:(Enter your instructor's email address here)
From: Last Name: First Name:
Class Title / Section #:
Email (home):
City: State:
Today's Date:
1. What were the names of the two ancient cultures that are believed to have first known about the existence of pi? and ." (reference site)
2. What University have Jen Peck, Karen Rosser, and Carol Pifer worked for to develop webpages about the connections between mathematics and art, calculating grades, cooking, shopping, and travel: (reference site)
3. By the end of what year had Sir Isaac Newton "worked out the corpuscular or emission theory" of how the effects of light are really produced? By the end of (reference site)
4. What is the 14th way to reduce gender inequities in mathematics suggested by the American Association of University Women? (next to the last.) (reference site)
5. What is a hamiltonian path in a graph? (reference site)
6. What are at least three of the "key ingredients" for a successful family math program? (reference site)
7. What are two of the objectives of "Observation, sorting, predicting, using valentine candy?" What grades is this lesson appropriate for? (reference site)
8. What are two advantages student Ruthy Googins describes about using the internet in the classroom? (reference site)
9. What is a dodecagon? (Hint: Look under Archimedes' calculation of pi) (reference site)
10. How does Gene Klotz believe the world-wide web has (and is continuing to) change the world of mathematics? (look under section 2, Conclusions.) (reference site)
11. What is the current value of $100 (US) in Japanese Yen? (reference site)
12. What are the third basic NCTM goal for all students? (Hint: Look under the "teachers" link.) (reference site)
Lessons referenced in questions 13-16 were located from the Univ of Illinois Math Database.
13. What was the overall mean for the participants in this probability project? What question were they trying to answer? (reference site)
14. Who first studied prime numbers (look under the 4th link for history info)? (reference site)
15. What kind of plug-in is required to play the games at this website (take some time to play a few of them)? (reference site)
16. What software program was used to create the fractal images in these galleries? (reference site)
17. What concepts are the "Connections to the Curriculum" for "Stock Market Math?" (reference site)
18. In what year was Pluto discovered? (Try the link to "Appendix 1a: Solar System Data" at the bottom) (reference site)
19. Using the literal Greek wording, a "polygon" is , and a "polyhedron" is .(reference site)
20. What tool did Florence Nightingale use tool for improving city and military hospitals conditions? (reference site)
Comments on this activity and these webpages:
Make sure you have answered each question before submitting. If you leave an answer blank, you will be told which question field you still need to complete. For two-part questions, the first part is "a" and the second part is "b." If you submit with one or more answers blank, choose the "Back" button on your browser and fill in blank answers.
After sending this message, use the "back" button on your browser to return to the Math Tool Time website.