Level 2 Shopping
Today is your lucky day! Your teacher has decided
to give you 300 internet dollars, and wants you to go
shopping on the World-Wide Web! There are several items that you need
to buy, but remember, you cannot spend more than you have! Internet
dollars are not real, so you will not really be buying
anything. Instead, you will find out how much each item
costs and record it on the Clarisworks spreadsheet provided with this
Your assignment is to:
- Spend all of your internet dollars,
according to the percentages listed on the table below.
- Search any of the internet sites listed
below to find items to "buy."
- Record how much each item costs on your
- Record the World-Wide Web address where you
found the item in a word processing document.
- Use the spreadsheet to calculate what
percentage of your money you have spent in each category. (Spend
as close to the listed percentages as you can!)
- You may not buy duplicate items.
- Spend as many of your internet dollars as you
can, but not more!
- The Internet Bookshop lists
prices in British pounds, so convert to dollars using the formula:
1 British pound equals 1.51 US dollars.. This was the exchange
rate on April 23, 1996. If you want a more current rate, refer to
Holt Report.
Spend your money according the
percentages listed in each category!
Example shopping
results for this exercise are also
© Copyright 1996-98 by Wesley
A. Fryer