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Copyright 1999 by the AFS Heartland Area Team. Website by WesTech Vision Inc.

AFS-USAHeartland Calendar 2000-2001

August 2000

3 NCKS Host Family Pre-Arrival Orient
6 SWKS Host Family Pre-Arrival Orient
9-12 Welcome Orientation - Wichita
10 Returnee Orientation Wichita
14 Flinthills Welcome Ice Cream Party
19 Topeka Fall Orientation 1
27 Greater Wichita Welcome Swim Party
27 Flinthills Welcome Potluck
27-28 National Sending & Returnee Training - Portland, Oregon


9 Manhattan Garage Sale Fundraiser
9-10 SWKS Fall Orientation
9-10 NWKS Fall Orientation
15-16 Greater Wichita Fall Orientation
16-17 NCKS Fall Orientation
17 Flinthills Host Family Fall Orientation
17 Topeka Fall Orientation 2
19 Wamego Chapter Meeting
23 Sublette Fall Festival
30 Flinthills Fall Student Orientation
30 Area Team Meeting - Wichita
30 - Topeka Renaissance Festival Trip


Topeka Cornfield Maze
14 Satanta Fall Festival
15 Manhattan Chapter Meeting
24 UN Day
22 Manhattan AA Community Presentation & Info Day
27-29 Downs AFS Club Weekend
Greater Wichita Halloween Party
27 Manhattan Halloween Service Project & Party


4 Sublette Arts & Crafts Fair
5 Manhattan Chapter Meeting
10-11 Topeka Fall Retreat
11 Regional Volunteer Conference - Houston
South Central Regional Council Meeting - Houston


2 Greater Wichita Mid-Year Orientation & Holiday Party
3 Flinthills Holiday Party
4 Norton Chapter Annual Meeting
20 Topeka International Dessert Party

January 2001

6 NCKS Mid-Year Orientation
7 Manhattan Chapter Meeting
13 Area Team Meeting - Manhattan
20 National Hosting & Support Training - San Antonio
21 Flinthills Mid-Year Orientation
27-28 Goodland HS AFS Weekend
Manhattan High 40th Anniversary Celebration


2-4 Wichita Winter Weekend
4 NWKS Mid-Year Orientation
18 Topeka Hosting Game
20 SWKS Mid-Year Orientation
25 Manhattan Chapter Meeting


5 Satanta Chamber of Commerce
23-25 National AFS Conference & SCRC Meeting - Tampa
23-25 State Round Up - Sublette & Satanta
24 Area Team Annual Meeting - Sublette
28-Apr 1 SWKS Short Term Exchange - Wisconsin
28-Apr 1 NWKS Short Term Exchange


TBA Topeka International Fair
TBA Greater Wichita Family Recognition
TBA Flinthills Pre-Return Orientation - Chapman
22 Manhattan 40th Anniversary Celebration
TBA AA Pre-Departure Orientation 1 - Kansas City


11 Greater Wichita River Festival - Sundown Parade
20 Greater Wichita Pre-Return Orientation
21 SWKS Pre-Return Orientation
23 NWKS Pre-Return Orientation
30-31 NCKS Pre-Return Orientation
30-Jun 1 Topeka Pre-Return Orientation


5 AA Pre-Departure Orientation 2 - Downs
5 Area Team Meeting - Downs
9 or 16 SCRC Meeting -
TBA Topeka Farewell Ice Cream Party
TBA Greater Wichita Farewell


1 Manhattan Farewell Picnic
6 Bus Trip
6-9 Bus Stops - Manhattan & Wamego
10 D-Day - Chicago

For information about any calendar items, please email the Heartland Area Team at afs@flinthills.com

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