Merry Christmas 1998


December 1998 (12 months old)



Alexander can say DaDa and Do (dog).....
He is walking all over the place.....
When he is full after eating, he enjoys throwing the food remaining on his high chair tray on the floor.....
He always gets a lot of compliments when he is "out in public"......
He loves to beat on anything that will make noise like a drum.....
He is larger than all his playmates, who are older than he is.....
He remains a fervent K-State fan, even after the dismal A&M game and bowl annoucement.
(He has even learned to be excited rather than cry when his dad is watching a KSU football game on TV and yells out loud a lot!

We all wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas!
May God bless you all and our nation in 1999. :)

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