the original publication of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone in 1997, J.K. Rowling has become a literary sensation
overnight. Her work has inspired countless students to read long
books that might have been previously overlooked if they concerned a
different topic, and have also caused some critics to cry "foul"
because of her books' magical emphasis.
Few books have wide appeal to young and old readers alike, but Rowling has managed to write a book series that does. Not only is the basic plot of young students attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry appealing, but the relationships and interactions of the main characters with their fellow students, professors, parents, and the occasional muggle are authentically engaging. Rowling keeps her readers wanting to come back for more.
To the nay sayers who see Rowling as a promoter of the occult and anti-Christian values, I say, "Get a grip-- this is just fun reading!" Certainly many things can be taken to a negative extreme, but a rationale that seeks to prohibit all Halloween celebrations and costumes (or require students to dress up as "story book characters" instead of anything scary) as well as take Harry Potter books off school library shelves is an example of good intentions gone awry. Yes, I do prefer the religious backdrop and underpinnings of C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia, but Rowling's magical universe remains a fun and, yes, enchanting destination for young and old readers alike that should not be missed.
The premiere of the first Harry Potter movie in November 2001 is sure to fan the flames of excitement surrounding Rowling's imaginative creations, and I can't wait!