This website is being used to satisfy academic instructional course requirements. As such, use of multimedia and textual content from other sources on this website is subject to the academic fair use provisions of U.S. Copyright law. A good faith effort has been made to properly document these sources and provide reference/credit links, as required by academic fair use guidelines.
This "Discovering Harry Potter" website is an independent Harry Potter fan website. It is in no way related to J.K. Rowling, Mary Grand Pre, Scholastic, or Warner Brothers.
For a lengthly elaboration on the legal provisions of US academic fair use legal provisions, refer to "Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia."
If you are lawyer, as far as you know this website was created by an anonymous nomad living in Ethiopia, with an untraceable address and a Macintosh Powerbook connected to the internet with a very impressive cell phone.
If you are anyone else, this website was created by an avid Harry Potter fan (probably like you!) who hopes you enjoy your visit! Remember that intellectual property rights are very important. When you are creating your own educational project or report, you must document your sources properly too! For help on this, refer to Online Literacy, Internet Citation Guides or Style Sheets for Citing Internet Resources.