Educational Telecomputing Projects

Online Evaluation Form

Please submit this form only once!

To: Wesley Fryer (

From:(insert your email address)
If you don't have an email address or wish to remain anonymous, enter "none."

Please add my email address to your TOOLS FOR THE TEKS: INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM mailing list.


Which of the following describes you:

What grade level(s) do you teach?

What content area do you primarily teach?

Answer the following question about your knowledge of educational telecomputing projects AFTER this workshop. On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being NOT informed, 5 being VERY informed), rate your post-workshop knowledge:

POST-WORKSHOP: Knowledge of Educational Telecomputing Projects

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

1 = Not informed - 2 = Informed a little - 3 = Moderately Informed
4 = Well Informed - 5 = Very Infomed


AFTER this workshop, how ready do you feel to prepare your own educational project using the internet? On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being NOT comfortable, 5 being TOTALLY comfortable), rate your post-workshop readiness:

POST-WORKSHOP: Readiness for Project Development

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

1 = Definitely Not Ready - 2 = Not Very Comfortable - 3 = Unsure
4 = Somewhat comfortable - 5 = Very Confident/Ready


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© 1998 by Wesley A. Fryer