Evaluation Form

Please submit this form only once following our class!

Your comments will help me make this workshop be even better next time. Thanks for taking the time to complete this form!

To: Wesley Fryer (wfryer@tenet.edu)

From:(insert your email address)
If you don't have an email address or wish to remain anonymous, enter "none."

Please add my email address to your mailing list.

Workshop Name:

Workshop Date:


Which of the following describes you:

What grade level(s) do you teach?

K - 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th - 5th - 6th - 7th - 8th - 9th - 10th - 11th - 12th - Other

The fact that this workshop was not hands-on was:

The pacing of the workshop was:

I learned most about these topics covered by the presenter:

I wish the presenter had addressedthese topics or addressed them in greater depth:

One thing that could have been improved was:

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being worst, 10 being best), I would rate this workshop:


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